2024 YOCF Campership Form

Form to request financial aid for YOCF camps.
Please note that you are still required to make a first payment in order to secure a spot for Summer Camp or Winter Camp. We strongly recommend that you complete and return this form then submit your camp form and payment ASAP.

Because the Campership Account is a discretionary fund, we cannot guarantee that everyone will receive financial aid, or that financial aid will be sufficient to cover the entire cost of a Christian Camp for each student. However, we realize that the cost of Christian Camps are high, and while financial aid is limited, we will try our very best to assist everyone in financial need. We strongly encourage parents and students to begin budgeting now (in the Fall for both Summer Camp and Winter Camp). Without your help financially, your student may not be able to attend.

Since we are growing as a church and youth group, we want to make the financial aid application process easy and more consistent for everyone. Your answers will help us as we seek to help meet the financial needs of students who wish to attend a Christian Camp with OCF this year. Thank you.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.


Form to request financial aid for YOCF camps.